capers@home new menu
capers@home new menu

our capers@home menu has just been refreshed for a summer of entertaining with family and friends, or catering for sports groups, family reunions and more.
capers@home provides you with the ease of ordering online, then collecting on your chosen day from the cafe.
seven new salads have been added, including thai curry cashew rice, harissa spiced carrot + pearl couscous, balsamic pumpkin, feta + basil, asia egg noddle and classic waldorf with blue cheese.
our ever popular beef + vegetable lasagne have seen the addition of an equally delicious chicken, rosemary + leek option. our team of chefs have also create new main dishes, including pumpkin butter chicken, pork + fennel enchilada and a caramelised onion tart, perfect with a side salad for an easy mid week meal.
tiramisu, the classic italian dessert joins the selection of summer desserts with summer trifle, apple or apple + rhubarb crumble still available.
we can't wait for you to enjoy our capers@home new menu - perfect for catering for large groups or summer entertaining.